Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look at this stuff... isn't it neat?

Yes, I've been watching a lot of The Little Mermaid lately, and yes- I'm a really big nerd.  I think it's really important to surround yourself with things that inspire you.  This is where you'll find me most of the time... in my home studio.  If I'm not in front of my Mac or standing in front of an easel- I'm usually hunched over my most prized possession: my Animation Desk.  Add to that a bunch of maquettes, pins, Vinylmation, toys and assorted animation art- and you've got my studio.  You're bound to feel inspired with all of that good stuff around you, right?  I'll be there drawing away or cleaning things up/designing on my Mac- listening to Cartoon Network or whatever film playing in the background- and  I'll get into such a groove that I don't even notice how fast 8-12 hours go by. I guess that's what happens when you're doing something you love. <3


  1. NO YOUR NOT A REALLY BIG NERD!!!! I love that movie not as much as another little girl I know!!! One of my favorite movies to have mommy daughter time! I would have to agree yes looking at the stuff it is neat!

  2. No, I really am- but I OWN my nerdiness. :)
